Dreaming of Fontainebleau…

Today—May 11th, 2020—the forest of Fontainebleau cautiously reopened

Today—May 11th, 2020—my first article about Fontainebleau went live on the Women’s Bouldering Festival blog! Hit the button to take a look!

Did somebody say great timing…?

Whether you’re a non-climber or a total Bleausard, take a look! I learned a lot while diving into the history and ecology of this treasured climbing area, which is, perhaps, the “crown jewel” of bouldering as we know it.

Not to mention that conservation and stewardship are 100% key for keeping our favorite outdoor spaces open, climbing destination or not. You’ll see why in my post!

In the meantime, stay cool & stay curious!

On a secret spot by the side of the road… Someday, this will be one of Font’s sandstone blocs & I will be smiling with cheese in one hand and an almond croissant in the other!!